Congratulations! You are now beginning a 21-day period of fasting and prayer with Destiny Church. During these next 3 weeks, we will believe together for miracles, for breakthrough in our spiritual lives, and to lean into God like never before. For some, this may be a familiar practice and ongoing part of your relationship with God. For others, this may be the first step towards a deeper relationship with our Creator and Savior, Jesus. Wherever you find yourself on this journey, the rewards are a sharpened spirituality for you and a stronger church as a whole as each one of us plays our part. Also, know that you are not alone, but are joining together with many others in the body of Christ. Here are some things to keep in mind over the next 21 days.
What is a fast?
A Biblical fast means to go without food for a period of time to humble ourselves so that we can be free to seek God. (2 Chronicles 7:14) We put aside earthly appetites to develop the right spiritual appetites.
What does this look like for me?
Although a true Biblical fast is going without food, the principle of abstaining from something in order to pray and seek God is an honorable practice. We encourage you to find a plan you can do for the full 21 days. Whatever you choose to do, make sure to consult a medical professional before making any drastic dietary changes. Here are some suggested options for you:
Only eat 1 meal a day for 21 days.
Skip a meal once a day for 21 days.
Abstain from a certain foods that you really like.
Abstain from social media and/or television.
Abstain from caffeinated products.
Abstain from meats and sweets.
Abstain from all foods daily for a designated period (i.e.—6am to 6pm), drinking water/juices only.
These are just a few suggestions, but make sure you spend time every day on your own in prayer. Fasting without prayer is just a diet.
What should I pray about?
We want you to push forward in your walk with God like never before. Pray for the breakthrough you are believing for. Pray for the salvation of those in your world who don’t yet know Jesus. Pray for our pastors and leaders. Pray for our government and elected officials. Pray in the Spirit. Pray in the morning. Pray at night. Thank God for what He has done and Who He is. Pray when you’re hungry. Pray that God’s Kingdom would be established on the earth.
In Matthew 18:19-20 (NLT), Jesus says, “I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. 20 For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”
To unite our church’s prayers, we’ve created 21 daily devotions to keep us all focused on the same scriptures and topics. Join us in declaring, “Father, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!” We will also send these digitally to our church family each morning. Let’s raise our expectations for what God is going to do during this fast as we PREPARE THE WAY for Him to move powerfully in our lives, church, and community!
Psalm 139:23-24 — "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (NIV)
Did you know the Jewish people don’t believe in a dichotomy (separation) of “daily” life and “spiritual” life. It’s all ONE life—every part is spiritual. There’s no living one way at work or with certain people and living another way when you come before God the Father. Nothing is hidden from our heavenly Father (Hebrews 4:13). Take a moment to read Isaiah 58. Here God is telling the people why their fasts aren’t getting results—because they are acting one way to God and another way to the people in their “daily” lives. They are separating life into spiritual rituals and daily routines—living one way at work and morphing into another mode for worship. And God wants AUTHENTICITY. Not just for Him, but for the people we come in contact with every day. Only when we bring His presence into those contacts can we truly have influence and impact.
Heavenly Father, I come before You with an open heart, asking for Your help to live authentically before You and others. I confess that there are times I’ve separated my spiritual life from my daily life, acting one way in worship and another in my day-to-day interactions. Forgive me for the times I’ve allowed complacency, bitterness, or unforgiveness to come between us. I ask that You reveal anything in my heart that hinders my closeness with You. Help me to live with integrity and bring Your presence into every aspect of my life. Guide me in taking the steps to remove anything that separates me from You. I want to honor You in every moment, knowing that my entire life is spiritual, and nothing is hidden from You. Thank You for Your grace, mercy, and the strength to walk in authenticity. In Jesus’ name, amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
READ: Isaiah 58.
When do you feel closest to God? When do you feel distant?
Are there things in my life that I’m allowing to affect my closeness with God? Complacency? Bitterness? Unforgiveness? Sin? If so, identify them. Submit them to God for his help.
Make a list some steps you can take to remove those from your life.
Luke 22:42 (NIV) —"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."
Imagine an in-flight refueling of an aircraft. The receiving plane, running low on fuel, must align itself perfectly with the refueling aircraft above it. The fueling aircraft doesn’t change its course; it stays steady, and it is up to the empty plane to adjust and lock into position to receive the fuel it needs.
In the same way, we must align ourselves with God in order to be spiritually refueled. God doesn’t adjust His will to fit ours—He remains steady and constant. The more we surrender and align with His plan, the more we can receive from Him.
Jesus modeled this perfectly in the Garden of Gethsemane when He prayed, “Not my will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42). Faced with suffering and death, Jesus laid aside His human desires, fully submitting to the Father’s will. This act of surrender was necessary to fulfill God’s perfect plan for our salvation.
In our own lives, surrendering to God means letting go of control, trusting that His will is better than our own. It’s only when we adjust our hearts and posture ourselves in full submission to Him that we can receive the "fuel" we need—His guidance, strength, peace, and blessing. When we insist on going our own way or holding on to our preferences, we miss the opportunity for God to fill us with His best.
Lord, I thank You that You are steady and unchanging. Help me to fully align my will with Yours, so that I can receive everything You have for me. I surrender my preferences, my agenda, and my desires. Teach me to trust in Your plan, knowing that it is better than my own. Refuel my spirit as I walk in obedience to You, and let my life reflect Your will. In Jesus' name, Amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
Are there areas in your life where you’re trying to get God to align with your will, instead of aligning with His?
How can you better posture your heart today to receive what God has for you?
2 Timothy 2:21 (ESV) — Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work."
In Scripture, we often see the imagery of vessels—containers designed for specific purposes. A vessel in God’s house is meant for honorable use, but it must first be cleansed and prepared. Just as a potter carefully shapes and refines his clay, God desires to mold and sanctify us, making us ready for His work.
Sanctification is the process by which we set ourselves apart for God, allowing Him to purify and cleanse us from anything that hinders our walk with Him. It involves a commitment to be a vessel dedicated to His use, letting go of things that may tarnish our character or prevent us from fully reflecting His holiness.
In 2 Timothy 2:21, Paul emphasizes that those who cleanse themselves will be ready for every good work. This act of cleansing requires removing impurities—whether they be sinful habits, harmful influences, or anything that distracts us from God’s call. The Bible often compares this to refining gold or silver, where heat is applied to remove the dross (Isaiah 1:25, Malachi 3:3). In the same way, God’s sanctification process removes the impurities in our lives, making us more like Christ.
Just as vessels in the temple were set apart for holy purposes, we are called to be set apart for God’s service, living lives of purity and devotion. Sanctification is an ongoing journey, one that requires daily surrender and commitment to God’s refining work. As we yield to Him, He shapes us into vessels that bring honor and glory to His name.
Heavenly Father, I offer myself to You as a vessel set apart for Your purposes. Cleanse me from anything that is dishonorable or impure. Refine my heart, remove what does not reflect Your holiness, and shape me into a vessel that is ready for Your work. Help me to live a life of purity, continually surrendered to Your sanctifying power. May my life bring You honor and reflect Your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
Are there impurities—habits, attitudes, or distractions—that you need to remove from your life in order to be a more dedicated vessel for God?
Psalm 139:23-24 says, "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." At Destiny, we often talk about "Psalm 139-ing" ourselves, which means inviting God to search our hearts and reveal anything that might be displeasing to Him—things we might not even be aware of. Take a moment to "Psalm 139" yourself today. If God brings anything to light, commit to addressing it and taking steps to remove it from your life.
Proverbs 18:21 (NIV) — "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."
The Bible often uses the tongue as a metaphor for our speech, and it teaches us about the incredible power our words carry. Proverbs 18:21 says that the tongue holds the power of life and death. With it, we can build up or tear down, bless or curse, speak faith or fear. The words we speak not only shape the world around us but also reflect the condition of our hearts (Matthew 12:34).
There was once a high school teacher who took the time to write a positive note to every student in her class. She wasn’t just complimenting them on their work; she was speaking to their potential, calling out their unique strengths and future possibilities. One young student, who had been struggling with low self-esteem and poor grades, found his note particularly impactful. His teacher wrote, "I believe you have the ability to lead and inspire others." These words of affirmation sparked something within him. Years later, this student became a successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker, often sharing how those few words from his teacher helped change the trajectory of his life. Her faith-filled words spoke life over him, aligning with God’s vision for his future, even when he couldn’t yet see it.
This teacher’s actions illustrate the power positive, faith-filled words can have on another. When we choose to speak life—over ourselves and others—we align our speech with God’s truth. Our words can unlock potential, shift atmospheres, and bring about real change. Conversely, when we speak negatively or out of fear, we risk planting seeds of discouragement and doubt.
When we align our words with faith in God’s Word, speaking life and truth, we open the door for His promises to manifest. Positive declarations based on God’s Word activate His power in our lives. On the other hand, negative or careless speech can have a destructive impact—damaging relationships, fueling doubt, and leading us away from the fullness of God’s blessings.
Lord, I thank You for the power of the tongue and the ability to speak life and faith. Help me to align my words with Your Word and to speak positive declarations over my life and those around me. Guard my tongue from negative speech and fill my heart with faith so that my words bring encouragement, hope, and truth. Let me be a vessel of Your love and life, using my tongue to reflect Your power and goodness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
Take a moment to evaluate the words you speak. Are they grounded in faith and God’s promises, or do they reveal doubt, fear, or negativity? Be honest with yourself.
Throughout this fast, be intentional about aligning your speech with faith. If needed, ask someone to help keep you accountable.
Write out simple, one-line biblical declarations on post-it notes for the situations you're facing. Speak these
Ephesians 6:12 (NIV) — "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
As believers, we are engaged in a constant battle, but it’s not one fought with earthly weapons or in the physical realm. Our fight is spiritual, taking place in the unseen realm against forces that aim to oppose God’s work and hinder His people. The enemy specifically assigns spirits to attack churches, individuals, and ministries in order to stop the advancement of God's Kingdom.
Our pastor has revealed that one such spirit—Leviathan—has been assigned to our church. Leviathan’s purpose is to silence the prophetic voice of God, distort the truth of His Word, and keep people trapped in personal offense. This spirit thrives on keeping believers stagnant, dividing them, and preventing spiritual growth, ultimately hindering them from walking in the fullness of God’s call.
Have you personally felt the influence of this spirit—or perhaps others like fear, poverty, lust, or the orphan spirit? These spirits are designed for our destruction. 1 Peter 5:8 warns us to “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” In other words, we must be vigilant and aware of the enemy's schemes and know how to stand against them.
Ephesians 6 urges us to put on the full armor of God daily. This armor equips us to stand firm against these spiritual forces and engage the battle with confidence, knowing that through God’s power, we have the victory.
Lord, I thank You that You have given us spiritual weapons to stand against the enemy’s schemes. Help me to walk in the truth of Your Word and not be deceived by any distortion. Guard my heart against offense, and help me to walk in unity with my brothers and sisters. Empower me to boldly declare Your Word and speak against the lies of the enemy. Equip our church to stand strong in the spiritual battle, and may we see victory through the power of Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Today’s Reflection and Application:
Often, when we face conflict, drama, or struggles in the natural realm, there’s a deeper battle taking place in the supernatural realm. Are you currently dealing with something difficult? Ask God to reveal what’s happening behind the scenes in the spiritual realm.
Take authority over the enemy by declaring God’s Word. Write down a biblical declaration that relates to your situation and boldly speak God’s promises aloud. Let His truth shape your circumstances.
Psalm 150:6 (NIV) — “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.”
Worship is not a spectator sport—it’s a participatory experience where we actively engage with God. It’s easy to attend a worship service and simply observe, but true worship calls for our full involvement. God desires our hearts, not just our presence.
If you’re looking to become more personally involved in worship, here are a few simple steps:
Prepare Your Heart: Before worship, take a moment to pray and focus on God. Ask Him to remove distractions so you can fully engage in His presence.
Be Present: During worship, actively participate—whether by singing, lifting your hands, or quietly reflecting on the words. It’s not about how you look or sound; it’s about connecting with God.
Carry Worship Beyond Sunday: Worship doesn’t end when the music stops. Throughout your week, find moments to praise God, whether through prayer, listening to worship music, or living in a way that honors Him.
Worship is about more than watching from the sidelines; it’s about stepping in and offering God your heart. He’s not looking for perfection, but for genuine connection.
Lord, help me to be an active participant in worship. I want to engage with You fully, both in church and in my daily life. Draw me closer and teach me to worship You with all my heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
Ask God to help you focus on Him during worship.
Bring a “sacrifice” of praise to God–meaning it will cost you something. You will have to lay your preferences, securities and comfort zone aside.
Research biblical forms of worship which you are not engaged in (raising hands, singing, clapping, bowing, dancing, laying prostrate, shouting with a voice of joy/triumph). Begin incorporating those in your personal worship.
Mark 1:35 (NIV) — “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.”
In the midst of His busy ministry, Jesus consistently sought solitude with the Father. He understood the importance of stepping away from the demands of life to cultivate an intimate connection with God through prayer. This rhythm of withdrawing to a quiet place wasn’t just a part of His routine—it was the lifeblood of His ministry.
At Destiny Church, we are called to follow Jesus’ example by intentionally making time to be alone with God. Just as Jesus was refreshed and empowered during these moments of quiet communion, we too need the stillness that allows us to hear His voice more clearly. In a world full of noise, both external and internal, it’s easy to become spiritually drained. The secret to staying aligned with God’s will, to receiving clarity and strength, lies in prioritizing time in His presence.
Getting alone with God requires discipline, but the reward is immeasurable. These are the moments when God renews our spirits, sharpens our focus, and reveals His heart. As you withdraw to your solitary place, not only does God fill you with His presence, but He also aligns your prayers with His purposes. Pray for your personal journey, and don’t forget to lift up Destiny Church—our leaders, our community, and the mission we are carrying forward.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of solitude in Your presence. Help me to be disciplined in seeking these moments with You. May Your voice guide me, and may my prayers reflect Your heart for Destiny Church and our community. Use this time of quiet to renew me and to empower our church for greater impact. In Jesus’ name, amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
What is the best time for you to pray or get alone with God?
Consider join us during times of intercessory prayer on Tuesdays @6:30pm.
Consider being a part of our 2025 Men’s and Women’s Retreats. Make those a priority now (Registrations are open now at DCI.LIFE events).
Psalm 119:105 (NIV) — "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."
God’s Word is more than just a book of ancient wisdom; it’s the living, breathing voice of God that guides us, transforms us, and strengthens our faith. In Psalm 119:105, the psalmist reminds us that God’s Word is a “lamp for our feet and a light on our path,” offering direction, clarity, and hope in a world that can often feel uncertain and dark. It helps us navigate life’s challenges and leads us toward God’s will for our lives.
Incorporating Scripture into our daily routine isn’t just about reading words—it’s about letting those words shape and renew our minds (Romans 12:2). When we spend time in the Bible, we’re not just filling our heads with knowledge, but allowing the Spirit of God to transform our hearts. His Word becomes a tool for correction, encouragement, and personal growth. It equips us for the spiritual battles we face and reminds us of the promises we can hold onto in every season of life.
Think of God’s Word like the fuel that powers a vehicle. Without regular refueling, a car cannot go very far before it sputters and stops. In the same way, without continually feeding our spirits with God’s Word, we begin to run dry. Our faith weakens, our discernment dulls, and we lose direction. But when we consistently immerse ourselves in Scripture, we stay spiritually fueled and equipped for whatever life brings our way.
Practical Ways to Incorporate God’s Word:
Daily Reading: Set aside time each day to read and reflect on Scripture. Even starting with just one chapter a day will keep you connected to God’s voice. Or sign up for an online devotion. Youversion.com is a great place to start. Or just google some options.
Memorization: Pick a verse or passage to memorize each week. The more God’s Word is written on your heart, the easier it becomes to recall and apply during challenging moments.
Meditation: Spend time meditating on a particular verse, allowing it to sink deeply into your soul. Ask God what He’s saying to you through His Word and how it applies to your life.
Application: The Bible is not just to be read but lived. As you study Scripture, think about how you can actively apply its principles to your daily life. At the end of every sermon, our pastor gives several ways to practically apply the Word of God. Really…start doing those and watch your life change!
Lord, thank You for the gift of Your Word, which lights my path and guides me through every challenge I face. Help me to make Your Word a daily priority in my life. Give me the discipline to study it, the wisdom to understand it, and the heart to apply it. May it shape my thoughts, decisions, and actions so that I live fully aligned with Your will. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Today’s Reflection and Application:
Do you have a Bible translation that’s easy for you to understand? The New Living Translation (NLT) is a great option to start with if you're looking for clarity and simplicity.
Have you downloaded a Bible app on your phone? One of the best options is YouVersion. You can find it in the app store and have access to Scripture wherever you go.
Consider signing up for a daily devotional or Bible verse to be delivered right to your phone to help keep you connected to God’s Word each day.
Isaiah 6:1, 3 — “I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple. … [Mighty seraphim] were calling out to each other, ‘Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of Heaven’s Armies! The whole earth is filled with his glory!’”
There are times when we may feel unworthy to be used by God. We see our flaws, our mistakes, and the weight of our sin, and we think, “How could God use someone like me?” Isaiah felt the same way when he encountered the holiness of God. Overwhelmed by his unworthiness, he cried out, “Woe to me! I am ruined!” (Isaiah 6:5). In that moment, all Isaiah could see was the depth of his sin and how unclean he was in the presence of such a holy God.
Yet, God didn’t leave Isaiah in that place of shame. Instead, an angel touched his lips and said, “Your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for” (Isaiah 6:7). God restored Isaiah, not because he was perfect, but because of His grace and love. With his guilt removed and his heart renewed, Isaiah was ready to answer God’s call. When the Lord asked, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” Isaiah responded with boldness, “Here I am. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8).
Just like Isaiah, we too can feel unworthy to be God's representatives. But God sees beyond our brokenness and restores us so that we can be His instruments in the world. It’s not about our perfection—it’s about His grace. He chooses to cleanse and equip us to carry out His purpose, even when we feel inadequate.
Today, if you feel unworthy or unsure of your ability to influence others for Christ, remember that God’s grace is greater than your shortcomings. He redeems, restores, and empowers you to be a vessel for His glory. You are not called because you’re perfect; you are called because He is faithful. Trust in His restoration and step out boldly in the purpose He has for you.
Lord, I often feel unworthy to represent You, but I thank You for Your grace that restores me. Cleanse my heart and use me as Your instrument to make an impact in this world. I trust in Your power, not my own. Here I am—send me. In Jesus' name, amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
Am I serving the Body of Christ inside my local church?
Am I serving the Body of Christ outside my local church?
Do I serve gladly or begrudgingly?
Journal some of your experiences/feelings (good or bad) in serving.
List some areas that interest you and pray about involvement in those areas.
Volunteer at DCI.LIFE volunteer.
Matthew 6:33 (ESV) — “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
When it comes to giving, especially financially, it’s easy to worry about whether we will have enough for our own needs. But Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:33 to make God and His kingdom our top priority. When we do, we can trust that God will provide for everything else. He knows our needs better than we do, and when we give generously, we are demonstrating our trust in His provision.
Throughout Scripture, God calls us to give with a joyful and willing heart. In 2 Corinthians 9:7, we are told, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Our giving is an act of worship and trust, acknowledging that all we have comes from God. When we prioritize His kingdom by giving, we align ourselves with His purposes and release the fear of lack.
Giving financially isn’t just about supporting the work of the church or helping those in need—it’s about positioning our hearts to trust God above all else. When we seek Him first, He promises to take care of every detail in our lives. We don’t give to get; we give because He has already given us everything we need.
Lord, help me to trust You with my finances and to seek Your kingdom first. Teach me to give with a heart that is cheerful and full of faith, knowing that You will supply all my needs. Thank You for Your provision. In Jesus' name, amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
Do I worship God in giving of my finances?
Do I worship faithfully by giving on a consistent basis?
Journal your experiences (good/bad) of financially worshipping God.
Express in writing your gratitude to God for financial provision.
Begin tithing to your local church today.
Give a special offering of thanksgiving.
Matthew 5:14 — “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”
According to a YouGov survey, being a social media influencer on platforms like YouTube or TikTok is the top dream job for teens ages 13-17. While influencing in the digital age often centers around self-promotion and gaining followers, the biblical concept of influence is radically different. Jesus calls us to be influencers, but not for our own sake. When He commissioned His disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19-20), Jesus redefined influence as something centered on others, not ourselves.
In Matthew 5:14, He’s calling us to be lights that influence the world, not to seek the spotlight for our own recognition. There’s a significant difference. Being a light is about guiding others, reflecting the love, truth, and grace of God, not about drawing attention to ourselves.
As followers of Christ, our calling is to be a beacon of hope and encouragement in a world often marked by confusion and darkness. Jesus uses the imagery of light to describe our influence on others. Just as light naturally attracts and dispels darkness, a life lived in alignment with God’s truth shines brightly and draws others toward Him.
This influence doesn’t need to be loud or spectacular. It can be found in small, consistent acts of kindness, integrity, and love. Whether through offering a word of encouragement, helping someone in need, or standing firm in faith during difficult times, we reflect Christ’s character. Our impact is not about how many people see us, but how faithfully we point others to Jesus.
In 1 Peter 2:12, we are urged to “live such good lives among the pagans that... they may see your good deeds and glorify God.” Our lives should inspire others to seek God, not because of how much attention we gain, but because of how brightly His light shines through us. When we influence others with humility, grace, and love, we extend God’s kingdom and reflect His glory in every corner of the world.
Lord, thank You for calling me to be a light in this world. Help me to influence others, not for my own recognition, but to reflect Your love, grace, and truth. Teach me to live a life that points people toward You, even in the small, quiet acts of kindness and integrity. May my words, actions, and faith inspire others to seek You and glorify Your name. Guide me to be a humble servant, shining Your light in every corner of the world. In Jesus’ name, amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
Our 2024 Declaration says, “I was created for community. Every contact has the potential for positive impact.”
Write down 3 people or situations where you want to see change or transformation. Then list what that change might look like
Ask Holy Spirit to give you creative ideas of how you can partner with His plan to be a positive influence. (List those as they come to you, and act upon them with wisdom.)
Colossians 3:23 (NIV) — "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."
As Christians, our jobs are far more than a way to earn a paycheck. Whether you’re working in an office, serving in a restaurant, teaching in a classroom, or caring for your family at home, your work is part of God’s purpose for your life. Even if it’s not your final calling, God may have placed you there for a specific reason. What if you embraced this and saw your job as a place where you can partner with God to fulfill His purpose through you?
Colossians 3:23 reminds us to work with all our heart, not as if we’re working for human approval, but as though we’re working directly for God. Our effort, attitude, and integrity should reflect our relationship with Christ, regardless of whether anyone is watching. The workplace is a mission field where we can express the love of Jesus through our words, actions, and the quality of our work.
As Christians, we have a responsibility in the workplace that goes beyond doing good work. How we treat others matters just as much. Do we show patience, kindness, and humility? Do we honor our employers and coworkers with our words and behavior? Are we living in a way that invites others to see Christ in us? When we reflect God’s character in all we do, we glorify Him and become a light to those around us (Matthew 5:16).
Practical Ways to Live Out Your Faith at Work:
Excellence in Your Work: Strive to do your best in all your tasks. Excellence honors God and sets a positive example to others.
Integrity: Be honest and trustworthy in everything you do. Your commitment to integrity is a witness to your faith in Christ.
Kindness and Patience: Treat everyone with respect, even when it’s difficult. Showing grace in stressful situations reflects God’s love.
Prayer: Regularly pray for your workplace, coworkers, and the decisions you make. Ask God to use you as a vessel of His peace and wisdom.
Lord, thank You for the gift of work and the opportunity to serve You through my job. Help me to approach my work with excellence, integrity, and a heart that reflects Your love. Guide me to be a light in my workplace, that others may see Christ in me through my words and actions. Give me the strength to glorify You in all that I do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
How do you perceive your work? Is it something you dread, merely an obligation, or do you see it as an opportunity to serve God and others?
Imagine if you no longer had your current job. Do you view it as a blessing or a burden? Could you be unknowingly speaking against the blessing God has given you?
Write a note to your boss or supervisor, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to work, and ask if there’s anything you could improve upon.
Treat your coworkers to donuts as a gesture of kindness and connection.
If you've fallen short recently, take responsibility and apologize. This can help restore your influence and trust.
Find an opportunity to encourage a coworker with a kind word or affirmation.
Luke 14:23 (NIV) — “Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.”
There’s something powerful about word of mouth. When someone personally shares their experience, it carries weight and credibility. Whether it’s a great restaurant, a life-changing book, or an event we attended, we often trust recommendations from people we know. The same is true when it comes to inviting others to church. Jesus calls us to be His messengers, personally inviting those around us into His house.
Building a culture of invitation is about using the influence we already have through everyday conversations. It’s recognizing that our simple, genuine invitations can be powerful tools in helping others experience the love and presence of God. Just as we share other good news with excitement, we should share the life-changing message of Jesus and the impact of our church community with that same enthusiasm.
Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways to spread the gospel. When we take the time to personally invite someone to church, we are not just filling seats—we are giving people an opportunity to encounter God’s grace, love, and transformation.
Inviting someone to church might feel intimidating at times, but it’s one of the simplest ways we can share the gospel. Sometimes, all it takes is a personal invitation to change someone’s life forever.
Lord, thank You for the gift of community and the power of personal invitation. Help me to use my words to draw people closer to You and into a fellowship where they can experience Your love and grace. Give me boldness, excitement, and sincerity as I extend invitations to those around me. Open my eyes to see opportunities and fill my heart with compassion to reach out in love. Use my invitation to lead others into an encounter with You, and may our church be a place where Your presence dwells and lives are transformed. In Jesus’ name, amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
Regularly pick up some invitation cards in our Main Commons and keep in your wallet/purse when God opens doors to invite someone.
Pray for boldness: Ask God to give you the courage to invite someone to church this week.
Identify someone to invite: Think of a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who could benefit from attending church and hearing the gospel.
Start a conversation: Take a step beyond the invitation. Ask people how they are doing and share how your church community has impacted your life.
Offer to go together: Make the invitation more personal by offering to meet them at church or sit with them during the service.
Follow up: If someone accepts your invitation, check in with them afterward to see how they felt and answer any questions they may have.
Luke 19:10 (NIV) — "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."
God’s love is boundless and reaches out to every person, regardless of their past or current state. His heart is especially tender toward the unsaved, those who have yet to encounter His saving grace. The entire story of the Gospel is about God’s relentless pursuit of humanity, sending His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins so that we might be reconciled to Him.
In Luke 19:10, Jesus makes it clear that His mission on earth was to seek and save the lost. This same mission has been entrusted to us, His followers. We are called to share the Good News with those who don’t yet know the love of God. It’s not just the job of pastors or missionaries—every believer has the responsibility to witness to the unsaved.
Witnessing can happen in small moments—a kind word, an act of love, or sharing your testimony of what Jesus has done in your life. Sometimes it may mean sharing the Gospel outright, while other times it’s about living in such a way that others are drawn to the light of Christ in you. The key is to be open and available for God to use you, knowing that His Spirit will give you the words and opportunities to witness.
God’s love for the unsaved compels us to go beyond our comfort zones and share His message of salvation. He desires that none should perish but that all come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). Let’s embrace our mission to be a light to those who are still in darkness.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your great love for the unsaved. Help us to have Your heart for those who are far from You. Give us boldness and compassion to share the Good News of Jesus with those around us. Open doors for us to witness, and let Your Spirit guide our words and actions. May we be faithful to Your call to reach the lost and bring them into Your light. In Jesus' name, Amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
Are there people in your life whom God is calling you to witness? Make this list and pray regularly for them.
How can you be more intentional in sharing the Gospel with those who don't know Christ?
1 Corinthians 12:4-6 (NIV) — "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work."
Spiritual gifts are not relics of the past—they are still active and available to us today. Given by the Holy Spirit, these gifts are meant to empower believers and build up the Church, advancing the Kingdom of God. They include gifts like prophecy, healing, wisdom, discernment, and many others. These gifts were never intended to cease but to continue operating through God’s people until Christ returns.
In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul teaches that there are many different gifts, but all are given by the same Spirit. Each believer is equipped with unique spiritual gifts to fulfill a purpose in God's Kingdom. Whether it’s the gift of teaching, hospitality, or speaking in tongues, every gift is vital and contributes to the body of Christ. Just as a body has many parts, each with a distinct role, so does the Church. These gifts are still in operation today for the benefit of the Church and the world.
The gifts of the Spirit are not reserved for a select few—they are available to all believers who are open and willing to be used by God. When we operate in our spiritual gifts, we experience God’s power flowing through us to impact others. Whether it’s praying for healing, offering wise counsel, or sharing a prophetic word, these gifts help us minister to those around us and reveal God’s love and presence in a tangible way. The gifts of the Spirit are a crucial part of how God accomplishes His work on Earth today.
Think of spiritual gifts like tools in a toolbox. Each tool has a specific purpose, and no tool is more important than the others. When building something, you need the right tools at the right time. In the same way, the gifts of the Spirit are specific tools given to us by God to accomplish His purposes. We don’t always need the same gift for every situation, but when we are walking in alignment with God’s Spirit, He provides the right gift at the right moment.
Lord, thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit and the spiritual gifts You’ve given to Your Church. Help me to recognize and embrace the gifts You’ve placed within me. I pray that You would stir up these gifts and give me the boldness to use them for Your glory. May Your power work through me to build up others, advance Your Kingdom, and draw people closer to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
Are you aware of the spiritual gifts that God has given you? If not, take a spiritual gifts survey at https://gifts.churchgrowth.org/spiritual-gifts-survey/.ddd
Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal and activate your gifts, so you can use them to advance God's Kingdom.
Ephesians 5:21 (NIV) — "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ."
Ephesians 5 teaches us that marriage is a reflection of the relationship between Christ and the Church. It calls both husbands and wives to love and respect each other through mutual submission, with Christ as the model. This mutual submission is not about power, but about serving one another in love, always seeking the good of the other.
Husbands are called to love their wives just as Christ loved the Church—sacrificially and unconditionally (Ephesians 5:25). This means putting aside personal desires to care for and protect their wives. Wives, in turn, are called to respect their husbands, honoring them as a reflection of the love and leadership Christ shows His people (Ephesians 5:22-24).
In a Christ-centered marriage, both partners are called to serve each other selflessly, nurturing an atmosphere of love, respect, and unity. When we follow Christ's example, we experience deeper intimacy, spiritual growth, and a partnership that reflects God's design for marriage.
Lord Jesus, thank You for Your example of sacrificial love. We ask for Your grace in our marriage, that we may love and serve one another as You have loved us. Help us to submit to one another out of reverence for You, building our relationship on the foundation of respect, sacrifice, and unity. May our marriage reflect Your love and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
How can I love my spouse better?
What area(s) frustrates you most right now about your marriage? Ask God to heal it.
What area pleases you most about your marriage right now? Praise God for it.
Pray for your spouse. (Even better…do it in person).
Pray God’s protection over all our church families’ marriages—pray against infidelity both sexually and emotionally.
Proverbs 22:6 (NIV) — "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."
Children and youth are among our most prized treasures, vital for both the future and the vitality of the Church. Yet, we face a sobering truth: Satan is aggressively targeting them like never before. He is successfully evangelizing them into woke doctrines and cultural ideologies that contradict our faith. Through the lies of gender confusion, woke ideologies and growing disconnection from the Church, the enemy is waging a relentless war for the hearts and minds of the next generation.
As parents, mentors, and church family, we have a divine responsibility to nurture their faith and protect their hearts. The seeds of faith we plant can yield lasting fruit, but we must act urgently.
In a world filled with distractions, it is crucial to provide a firm spiritual foundation. This is especially important for our adult children who may be struggling with their faith. They face constant pressure to conform to cultural values that undermine their beliefs. We must pray fervently for them, model Christ-like behavior, and teach biblical truths with conviction.
Jesus made it clear how much He values children when He said, "Let the little children come to me..." (Matthew 19:14). We are called to ensure they feel loved, supported, and rooted in their faith journeys—regardless of their age or current relationship with God.
Let us be vigilant and proactive in nurturing their faith, empowering them to stand strong against cultural pressure and find their identity in Christ.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the precious gift of our children and youth, including those who may be wandering. We urgently ask for Your guidance as we invest in their lives. Help us model Your love and truth so they can grow strong in their faith. Protect them from the pervasive influences of this world, and guide their hearts back to You. Grant us wisdom and patience to nurture them well, producing lasting fruit for Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
Pray for Them: Regularly lift up your children and youth, including those struggling in their faith, asking God to guide and nurture them.
Support Ministries: Volunteer to help in youth and young adult ministries.
Encourage Them: Write an encouraging note to a young person today. Speak words of life and affirmation, helping them trust in God’s plans, especially when they feel lost.
Make church a priority for your children while they are in your care: If you don’t make gathering with the saints a priority when they are small they will not value it when they grow older.
Start and maintain regular devotion times with your kids. Intentionally share Scripture’s truths, helping them understand God’s love for them.
Create Safe Spaces: Ensure that our church is a welcoming environment where children and youth feel valued, loved and heard.
By investing in the lives of our children and youth—whether they are young or adult—we honor our responsibility to nurture their faith and support their journey toward a vibrant relationship with Christ.
1 Timothy 5:17 (NIV) — "The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching."
God has placed spiritual leaders in our lives to guide, teach, and shepherd us in our walk with Christ. These leaders, whether pastors, teachers or mentors, are entrusted with the heavy responsibility of caring for our spiritual well-being. Their role is not just one of authority but of service, as they dedicate their lives to the work of the Kingdom, helping us grow in our faith and equipping us to fulfill our purpose.
As followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to honor and support our spiritual leaders. Scripture calls us to recognize their hard work, respect their leadership, and pray for them continually. These leaders face unique challenges, both spiritually and personally, and our encouragement, support, and prayers can make a significant impact on their lives and ministries.
Hebrews 13:17 reminds us to "obey your leaders and submit to their authority, for they keep watch over you as those who must give an account." Spiritual leaders are accountable to God for how they shepherd us, which makes our role in supporting them all the more important. Our honoring of them reflects our honor for God’s order and design in the Church.
Additionally, because spiritual leaders are assigned the high calling of overseeing the family of God they are consequently high targets for spiritual attacks. It is vital to intercede for our spiritual leaders regularly.
Lord, thank You for the spiritual leaders You have placed in my life. Help me to honor and support them in every way I can. Give them strength, wisdom, and protection as they lead. May I be a source of encouragement to them, and may my actions reflect a heart of gratitude for their service to You and Your people. In Jesus' name, Amen.Today’s Reflection and Application: Pray for Them: One of the most powerful ways to support your spiritual leaders is through prayer. Pray for their strength, wisdom, protection, and for God’s guidance in their lives and ministries.
Make encouragement a regular part of your spiritual practice. A kind word, a thoughtful note, or a simple expression of gratitude can go a long way in uplifting your leaders. Let them know how their teaching or leadership has impacted your life.
Show respect for the authority God has given them. Trust their guidance and be open to receiving correction or direction with humility.
Serve Alongside Them: Spiritual leaders often carry many responsibilities. Offering your time and talents to help serve in the church or ministry shows your support and relieves some of their burden.
Give Generously: Financially supporting your church and its leaders is another way to honor their work. Scripture encourages us to share our resources with those who minister to us (Galatians 6:6).
Guard Against Gossip or Criticism: Be mindful of your words. Protect your leaders from unnecessary criticism or gossip by speaking well of them and defending their character.
Acts 2:42 (NLT) — All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.
In recent years, church attendance has sharply declined. Research by George Barna shows that only 31% of Americans attended church regularly in 2020, down from 45% in the early 1990s. This decline threatens the health of the Church and the spiritual growth of believers. As loyalty to a local congregation weakens, opportunities for forming deep relationships and receiving essentidal teaching diminish.
The local church is the body of Christ, meant for mutual encouragement and growth in faith. In a culture where convenience often outweighs commitment, gathering together is foundational. Sporadic attendance leads to missed opportunities for communal worship and shared support. Barna's research indicates that regular involvement in church correlates with greater spiritual satisfaction, higher levels of joy and peace and greater ability to overcome adversity.
Discipleship thrives in community. Shared experiences and teachings help us apply God’s Word to our lives. Consistent teaching and connections with others enable us to navigate life's challenges with wisdom and strength.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of the local church. Help us to see its importance in our lives and the lives of those around us. Instill in us a desire to be committed to our church communities, fostering deep relationships that encourage and uplift one another. May we prioritize gathering together to grow in our faith and support each other in our journeys. Amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
Commit to Regular Attendance: Make a plan to prioritize your church attendance. Set aside time each week to worship, connect, and serve.
Get Involved: Volunteer in church ministries to serve others and build connections with fellow believers. Join a small group or Bible study to foster deeper relationships and receive targeted teaching that aids your spiritual growth.
Encourage Others: Reach out to someone who may have missed church a few times. See if they are doing well; need prayer or encouragement.
Pray for Your Church and Spiritual Leaders: Regularly lift up your church community in prayer, asking God to draw people back and strengthen the bonds of fellowship.
Give regularly: Worshiping consistently with tithes and offerings helps bring stability to the house of God as we collectively support our local church’s mission.
As we embrace the significance of the local church, let us commit ourselves to be active participants in this vital aspect of our faith. Together, we can spur one another on toward love and good deeds, creating a thriving community that honors God and nurtures discipleship.
Matthew 25:23 (NIV) — “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’”
At Destiny Church, we are blessed to have two businesses—Destiny Kids Academy and The Talanton Group—that extend our ministry into the community. These are not just business opportunities but entrusted “talents” from God, calling us to steward them wisely for His Kingdom.
Destiny Kids Academy – In July, we launched Destiny Kids Academy—a vision 15 years in the making! Much like the faithful servant in the Parable of the Talents, our role is to invest in the lives of children. This daycare is not just about care; it’s about instilling God’s truth and values in the next generation. As we grow, let’s pray for new students and the right staff to nurture them.
The Talanton Group – The Talanton Group, inspired by the Parable of the Talents, reminds us of the responsibility we have to wisely manage the investment properties God has entrusted to our church. (Talanton is the Greek word for “talent,” by the way!) Just as the faithful servants invested their talents, we must pray for God’s provision and increase over these resources, ensuring that they continue to serve both our ministry and community.
These businesses—Destiny Kids Academy and The Talanton Group—are more than ways to provide income; they are opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. As we invest these “talents” for His glory, let us trust that God will bless them, and we will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Our Leaders: Pray for health, strength, and favor for our leaders, Aimee Rester (Director) and Katlyn Jenkins (Asst. Director).
Growth in New Students: Ask God to bring families who will be blessed by the care we provide.
The Right Staff: Pray for godly, skilled, and compassionate team members who share the Academy’s mission.
Prayer Focus (TALANTON GROUP):
Increase in Property Values: Pray for God’s favor to grow these investments and strengthen our financial foundation.
Good Tenants: Ask God to bring responsible tenants who will care for the properties and bless the community.
Protection and Increase: Pray for wisdom and protection over these properties so they may prosper and support our church’s mission.
Heavenly Father, we commit Destiny Kids Academy and The Talanton Group to You. Bless our leaders, grow our students, and provide the right staff. For The Talanton Group, we pray for increasing property values, good tenants, and Your protection. May all we do bring You glory and further Your Kingdom. In Jesus' name, Amen. -
1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NIV) — “First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
As we approach our upcoming elections, the air is thick with tension and division. The country stands polarized, grappling with differing ideologies, values, and visions for our future. This discord has even infiltrated the local church, where disagreements over political figures and policies can sometimes overshadow our unity in Christ.
In these trying times, it's crucial to remember that our role as Christians is not to choose personalities but to discern agendas that align with the values of the Kingdom of God. Our focus should be on the issues that reflect God’s heart—justice, mercy, and the sanctity of life. We are called to advocate for policies that foster love, compassion, and righteousness, rather than simply rallying behind a candidate.
As we pray for our nation and its leaders, let us ask for divine wisdom to navigate these turbulent waters. May we be guided by the Holy Spirit in our choices, seeking leaders who uphold biblical principles and promote the welfare of all citizens. We must also pray for healing and reconciliation in our communities, that we may bridge divides and foster an atmosphere of grace and understanding.
Heavenly Father, we come before You in this critical season of our nation’s history. We lift up our upcoming elections, asking for Your guidance and wisdom. Help us to see beyond personalities and to focus on the agendas that align with Your Kingdom values. May our choices reflect Your love, justice, and righteousness. We pray for our leaders, that You would give them discernment and a heart for the people they serve. Heal the divisions within our country and within our churches, and help us to be vessels of Your peace and grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.Today’s Reflection and Application:
Pray Daily: Set aside time each day to pray specifically for the election, our leaders, and for unity for our nation and within the Church.
Engage in Conversations: Approach discussions about politics with love and grace, seeking to understand others' perspectives while sharing your own.
Educate Yourself: Take the time to research candidates and their positions on issues important to your faith and community.
Encourage Others: Share the importance of aligning our choices with Kingdom values, fostering a spirit of unity rather than division.
Vote on November 5.
As we engage in prayer and reflection during this election season, let us be reminded that our ultimate allegiance is to Christ and His Kingdom. Together, we can rise above the chaos and confusion, standing firm in our faith and hope for our nation.