$180/person (Double-occupancy room)
$235/person (Private room)
Space is limited.
Join us for a powerful weekend with special guest mentor, lawyer and radio host, Abraham Hamilton. Men ages 18 and older will stay overnight at Camp Baldwin in Elberta, AL, for a time of fellowship, discipleship, worship, sharing and growing together. Price includes accommodations, 5 meals and snacks.
Deadline to register: MAR 1

PREVIEW | Women of Destiny
Women of Destiny, join us for a preview of this inspiring movie. There are only 20 spots open, so get yours reserved ASAP.
**Show time is approximate as the actual time has not been released yet.

NEXT Steps | Membership Track
SUN, JAN 15 | 12-2:30pm
Childcare available upon request
Join us for lunch and the opportunity to meet our leaders and hear the heart of Destiny. After lunch we will spend some time together sharing our VALUES and VISION. Next Steps is our pathway to membership and ministry.

21-Day FEAST | Communion
Join us for our 21-day FEAST which is committing to worshipping with the LORD’S SUPPER daily for 21-days. We are pressing forward by looking back and praising God for all he has done, and looking forward to what He will do!
Accompaniment devotional materials will be available soon.

Join us ONLINE for Christmas Communion. This communion is ON-DEMAND so you can participate at whatever time fits into your family schedule. Family is important, as we want you to include your family in this time of worship.
ONLINE COMMUNION will only be approximately 10 mins long.
Be sure to pick up som of the communion packs we have available in the Main Commons (or have juice and bread available prior to starting your communion experience).

NIGHT OF JOY | Christmas Celebration Service
Join us for a fun night of festive food, Christmas music and worship. This will be a great time to invite friends and family for a fun, casual celebration. There is no childcare for this service as it is designed for the family.
Seating with be table-style so come early and get your places.
6:30pm—Doors open for Food. And don’t be late, you don’t want to miss the music!
This is a FREE event.

Women of Destiny | DEC GATHERING
Ladies, CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE, so join us for a great night of fellowship and growing together!
*Childcare is not-provided for this event.

We hope you’ll join us for Friendsgiving—our annual Thanskgiving meal. After service, we’ll have an old-fashioned potluck dinner-on-the-grounds with some great family-friendly activities. Whether you are new to Destiny or you’re been a part of our fellowship for a while, let’s celebrate in community.
We’re asking people to bring specific food items if you can. So just stop by the sign-up table in our Main Commons.

Socks are the most requested items from inmates and the only “Christmas” gifts they can receive. Baldwin County Jail is seeking partners to help provide 1 pair of socks to every inmate this year. Socks must be completely white with no logos, stripes or colors of any kind.
Home of Grace has asked for $20 gift cards from either Target oR Walmart to provide a gift of hope for women climbing out of the pit of addiction to a place of wholeness.

Women of Destiny | NOV GATHERING
Ladies, this month we will be meeting at El Rancheros’ Mexican Restaurant for a night of food and fellowship. We hope you’ll be able to join us. Please register!
*Childcare is not-provided for this event.

GUEST SPEAKER | Pastor Tony Pettway
Come expecting an anointed message from Pastor Tony Pettway of Truly Anointed Reconciliation Ministries (Mobile, AL). We are honored to have this apostle in our house. Come early. Come expecting!

FALL FUN NIGHT | Free Community Event
We’re inviting our church and community to a FUN night of TRUNK-or-TREAT, hayrides, caramel apples, cotton candy…you know…All the fun fall stuff. Don’t miss it. Save the date, and invite a friend!

Women of Destiny | OCT GATHERING
Ladies, FALL IS HERE, so join us for a great nice of fellowship and growing together!
*Childcare is not-provided for this event.

NEXT Steps | Membership Track
WED, OCT 19 | 6:30-8:30pm
Childcare available upon request
Next Steps is our pathway to membership and ministry. Normally, Next Steps is a 2-session orientation designed to give newcomers a deeper look at our Vision & Values and Mission and Ministries.
For October, we have combined 2 sessions into 1 session.
NEXT STEPS is a pre-requisite for membership and ministry at Destiny.

Come help us spruce up the church inside and outside. We have projects that everyone can help. If you serve in a particular ministry or simply want to help wherever you can,…we have a place for you!

If you are at a new place in your relationship with Christ or if you’ve recently made a decision to follow Him, we invite you to celebrate your transformation through Water Baptism. Water Baptism is one of the greatest ways you can celebrate your faith. Don’t put it off any longer. Let’s celebrate together! You can sign up at dci.life.

Women of Destiny | SEPT GATHERING
Ladies, join us for a great nice of fellowship and growing together!
*Childcare is not-provided for this event.

ENCOUNTER | Come if you are hungry and thirsty!
Join us for a night of worship, prayer and prophecy. This night is a night for those who are hungry and seeking for more Jesus.
*Childcare is not-provided for this event, but children are welcome to join us.

Women of Destiny | AUGUST GATHERING
Ladies, don’t miss our August gathering of Women of Destiny. We’ll be learning how to “Love Beyond our Comfort Zone.” Suzanne Murray will be sharing a very personal experience with us. Make plans to join us Wednesday, Aug 3 at 6:30pm here at Destiny.
*Childcare is not-provided for this event.

NEXT Steps | Membership Track
2 Wednesday Nights | JULY 13 & 20 | 6:30-8pm
Childcare available upon request
Next Steps is our pathway to membership and ministry. This is a 2-session where we share a deeper look at our Vision & Values and Mission and Ministries.
These 2 sessions are pre-requisites for membership and ministry at Destiny.

POOL PARTY | Women of Destiny
Whether you want to dive in or just like to sit by the pool and enjoy conversation, grab your swim suit and towel and join us. Each woman will be assigned a garnish to bring for the tacos.
It's FREE!
Don't forget your towel and swimsuit
*Childcare is not-provided for this event. It's a time for the women to relax and enjoy some self-care.

If you are at a new place in your relationship with Christ or if you’ve recently made a decision to follow Him, we invite you to celebrate your transformation through Water Baptism. Water Baptism is one of the greatest ways you can celebrate your faith. Don’t put it off any longer. Let’s celebrate together! You can sign up at dci.life.

*MAY 20-22 (FRI-SAT | two nights’ stay)
Double Occupancy $140/person
Single Occupancy $200/person
Women ages 18 and older will stay Friday and Saturday at Camp Baldwin in Elberta, AL, for a time of fellowship, discipleship, worship, sharing and growing together. Cost for 2-night stay includes double occupancy hotel-style accommodations and 5 meals.

SUN, MAY 15 | 10am
We want to honor you on your great accomplishment! On Graduate Sunday, we’ll take time in our worship service to recognize all our 2022 graduates whether you are graduating from High School, College / University level. We hope you will let us celebrate with you!

*MAY 13 | $10/person
Men, come enjoy a night of "wild game" and enjoy some time playing some fun games with the guys. Bring a friend with you!
Menu of wild game will include deer stew over rice.

NEXT Steps | Membership Track
2 Wednesday Nights | APR 20 & 27 | 6:30-8pm
Childcare available upon request
Next Steps is our pathway to membership and ministry. This is a 2-session where we share a deeper look at our Vision & Values and Mission and Ministries.
These 2 sessions are pre-requisites for membership and ministry at Destiny.

FAMILY OUTING | Picnic in the Park
Join us at MAYDAY Park after service this Sunday!
Grab some take-out or bring your coolers and picnic with us in the park. It’ll be a great time to let kids play, build some relationships with other at Destiny. We’ll enjoy some games and have a great time of hanging out together!
There’s no registration for this event. Just show up. We hope to see you there!
What to bring:
Your lunch
Lawn Chairs.

$125/person (Double-occupancy room)
$165/person (Single-occupancy room)
Space is limited.
Men ages 18 and older will stay overnight at Camp Beckwith in Fairhope, AL, for a time of fellowship, discipleship, worship, sharing and growing together. Price includes accommodations, 3 meals and snacks.
Deadline to register: MAR 18

Come help us spruce up the church inside and outside. We have projects that everyone can help. If you serve in a particular ministry or simply want to help wherever you can,…we have a place for you!

YOUNG ADULTS | Bowing Night
YOUNG ADULTS | Bowling Night
Hey guys, we hope you can join us for a fun night of bowling at Eastern Shore Lanes on FRI, MAR 11 @ at 6:30pm
$4.50–bowling shoes (pay at the lanes)
Dinner is dutch treat
*This event is open to young adults ages 18 and older.
*VIEW THE MENU (Alley 25 Grill)