Father of Glory Rife Stewart Father of Glory Rife Stewart

Father of Glory: Getting Closer to God



How do I get closer to God?

Move towards him.


  1. What are the areas of your life that are not glorious — the areas you most need to work on?

  2. Now that you know God will not promote you higher until you have made your current status glorious, what changes do you need to make in your life right now to get ready for the next step upward?

  3. Write down the steps you are going to take to turn your messes into shining examples that will open the way for God to start the promotion process in your life.

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Father of Glory Rife Stewart Father of Glory Rife Stewart

Father of Glory: Goodness, Presence, and Power



Invite Holy Spirit to reveal any mindset that may be a barrier to you receiving the Father of Glory's Goodness, Presence, and Power in a greater measure in your life.


Determine to engage in the process of transforming this mindset according to Romans 12:2 by the following:

  1. Ask yourself, "What is my mindset around the Goodness of God?"

  2. Ask yourself, "Will this mindset benefit me in my relationship with Father God -- moving closer to His heart?"

  3. If not, pursue transforming this mindset with the Word of God. Read scripture about the goodness of God, intentionally meditate on this truth.

  4. Observe yourself and notice when you focus on things in your renewed mindset. Are you experiencing different results?

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